Parent Survey
We regularly seek feedback from parents through our parent survey. We use this as an opportunity to make improvements in our offering and to ascertain areas for development.
In our most recent survey (April 2022), the following areas were identified as strengths by parents:
- Children feel safe
- Behaviour
- Communication about what children are learning
- Parents views on the way we deal with any cases of bullying
- Leadership of the school
- Our vision
The development points which were raised were as follows:
- Enrichment after school (clubs) and after school care
- Restrictions of the school site
In response to this, we have now extended our after school offering to include wrap around care for parents who need it. We have also extended our breadth or clubs on offer.
We are not currently able to make a lt changes due to the Local Authority plan to build a new school. However, we have made improvements to outdoor provision, including making more space on the playground and providing lunch time activities.